We installed x4 ASTG34KMTC Hi wall heat pumps in the Centre in April 2022.
Included in the install was x4 mini blanc condensate pumps and x4 Monkey Toe Mounts (external mounting brackets for the outdoor units). We also installed Wi-Fi control so they can operate these heat pumps remotely.
This was a commercial job for Lawson Homes completed in April 2022. We installed 2x multi systems with 11 hi wall heat pumps in the new residential wing at St Marks. Also installed was a centralised remote controller so that the staff can easily control each room. Each hi wall heat pump has an easy-to-use remote controller for residents.
We installed x10 Fujitsu ASTH14KNCA with MyanywAiR Next smart climate WIFI control for the Sundowner Motel in January 2025. Now that all rooms at the motel have heating and cooling, they can keep their customers comfortable with the new Fujitsu Hi wall Heat Pumps no matter the season.